Highly Effective Super Egg Breeding Duck Technique

Techniques for raising super egg ducks to achieve high efficiency, from preparing barns, choosing breeds, nutrition, to care and disease prevention.

Super egg ducks are duck breeds with high egg productivity. Currently, in Vietnam, some popular duck breeds are: CV 2000 duck, Dai Xuyen duck, Super duck, Triet Giang duck, etc. These breeds can lay from 250 to 300 eggs per year, if raised and cared for properly. To raise super egg ducks effectively, farmers need to pay attention to: housing, breed, nutrition, good care and management, and egg harvesting techniques.


The barn greatly affects the health and egg-laying productivity of ducks. Some requirements when designing barns include:

– Duck farming location: High, airy, avoid waterlogging, far from sources of pollution.

– Housing area: Suitable density is 3 – 4 ducks per m², for completely confined ducks and 1 – 2 ducks per m² if there is a playground.

– Mesh system and cage floor: Can be raised on cement floor, or best raised on mesh floor to ensure hygiene.

– Water system and feed troughs: Provide enough clean water, arrange feed troughs properly to avoid waste.

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This item is important because good breeds are the key factor determining the success of livestock farming.

– Choose healthy, agile, smooth-haired breeds.

– Source seeds from reputable facilities to ensure high egg laying rate.

– The offspring have healthy parents, lay well and are fully vaccinated.


– Brooding period from 1 – 4 weeks old:

+ Brooding temperature from 28 – 32°C, gradually decreasing each week.

+ Feed with 20 – 22% protein and feed several times a day.

– Litter stage from 5 – 20 weeks of age:

+ Restrict diet to avoid ducks getting too fat, affecting reproduction.

+ Maintain standard weight to ensure egg production.

– Egg-laying stage, over 20 weeks old:

+ The best time to select ducks for breeding is at 21 to 22 weeks old. At this time, the elimination rate is lower than when selecting them as reserve ducks. Eliminate those that do not meet breeding standards such as those that are sick, have physical defects, etc. Male ducks are selected more strictly and paired with male and female ducks at a ratio of 1:5.5 – 6. When about to lay eggs, the ducks have finished molting, and their feathers are smooth again. Looking at the feathers, one can relatively accurately assess the quality of rearing during the reserve stage.

+ Provide feed rich in calcium and phosphorus for strong eggshells.

+ Ensure adequate light, 14 – 16 hours per day, to stimulate egg laying.

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– Feed ingredients must ensure protein content from 16 – 18%, energy from 2750 – 2800 kcal/kg, calcium from 3.2 – 3.5%.

– Food type: Rice, bran, fish meal, bone meal, green vegetables or natural foods such as crabs, snails, etc. It is best to feed industrial feed specifically for each stage of the duck, to ensure balanced nutritional content.

– Feeding: Divide into 2 – 3 meals a day, avoid feeding too much at one time.

– Drinking water: Always have clean water available, change water regularly to ensure hygiene.

– During the laying period: Periodically supplement Canpholis and AD3E WS or Vitol 140 oral, for ducks to supplement vitamins and calcium for ducks to help ducks maintain their laying ability, improve egg quality and keep eggshells beautiful. Or use Bossegg to stimulate eggs, lay many, beautiful eggs.


– Fully vaccinate ducks against all types of vaccines such as: duck cholera, duck hepatitis, avian influenza, echinococcosis, etc. periodically clean the barn and disinfect periodically with products such as Iodine @ or Dexon super. Provide enough feed and clean drinking water for the ducks.

– Regularly check and promptly detect sick ducks: When there are signs of illness, isolate and treat the disease promptly to avoid spreading the disease.

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– Collect eggs 2 to 3 times a day, avoid dirty or broken eggs. When harvesting, be gentle, avoid jostling the ducks, which can reduce egg production.

Through the technique of raising super egg ducks, to raise super egg ducks effectively, it is necessary to ensure all factors of breed, housing, good nutrition, disease prevention and proper egg harvesting.

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