Top 5 Nutritional Freshwater Fish Species
Are you looking for the most nutritious freshwater fish to add to your daily meals? Let’s discover the TOP 5 most nutritious freshwater fish to help improve your health. Fish is not only delicious but also contains many essential nutrients that help improve health. Let’s explore the 5 most nutritious freshwater fish that you should add to your daily meals. 1. CARP – GOLDEN FOOD FOR HEALTH Carp (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the most popular freshwater fish, famous for its delicious meat, sweet taste and high nutritional value. Carp contains a lot of protein, beneficial fatty acids, antioxidants and..
How to effectively treat chronic respiratory disease (CRD) in quail
CRD is one of the dangerous and contagious diseases in quails, greatly affecting the health of quail flocks and farming efficiency. Chronic respiratory disease, also known as CRD, is an infectious disease that quails often encounter. This disease spreads through many ways and leaves serious consequences. 1. CAUSES – CRD is an infectious disease caused by Mycoplasma bacteria. This bacteria exists in the air, feces and livestock equipment. – The disease only occurs when there are stress factors that reduce the resistance of quails such as: + When the weather changes suddenly + Too much stocking density + Periodic disease..
Highly Effective Super Egg Breeding Duck Technique
Techniques for raising super egg ducks to achieve high efficiency, from preparing barns, choosing breeds, nutrition, to care and disease prevention. Super egg ducks are duck breeds with high egg productivity. Currently, in Vietnam, some popular duck breeds are: CV 2000 duck, Dai Xuyen duck, Super duck, Triet Giang duck, etc. These breeds can lay from 250 to 300 eggs per year, if raised and cared for properly. To raise super egg ducks effectively, farmers need to pay attention to: housing, breed, nutrition, good care and management, and egg harvesting techniques. 1. BARN The barn greatly affects the health and..
Top unique goat breeds in the world
Let’s explore the top most unique goat breeds in the world and find out why they attract so much attention. Goats are one of the livestock species closely associated with human life, not only because of their economic value but also the diversity of species and characteristics. In the world, there are hundreds of different goat breeds with unique characteristics in appearance, behavior and value. Besides, there are goat breeds that impress not only because of their high productivity but also their “uniqueness” from their strange shape, outstanding adaptability, or the cultural stories associated with them. 1. FAINTING GOAT (MYOTONIC..
Important notes when importing goats for raising – How to avoid loss and care effectively
Goat farming is a model that has been developed in our country for a long time. Goat farming techniques when newly importing are important in effectively caring for the herd, increasing economic efficiency, and raising successfully. Goat meat is very popular in the market because of the concept that goats only eat grass, the meat has high nutritional value, and can be processed in a variety of ways. Following the current trend of developing goat meat farming, many people are not afraid of difficulties and invest a large amount of capital. However, raising goats is not as easy as we..
Top 3 Great Animal Migrations
Extraordinary stories of resilience, adaptability, and ecological connections between species and their environments. Discover the amazing journeys of 3 animals with the most impressive migrations. Migratory animals are not only ingenious creatures that make long journeys, but also wonderful symbols of resilience, adaptability and the deep connection between nature and life. From the Arctic tern, with its journey from the North Pole to the South Pole, to the Monarch butterfly, with its magical migration across continents, or the desert locust, a powerful insect that creates giant living storms, each migration has its own fascinating and challenging story. They not only..
4 Common Bamboo Rat Species in Vietnam
Raising bamboo rats is very attractive because of its high profits, while care and investment in barns are not too expensive. Bamboo rats are a popular rodent in Vietnam and some Southeast Asian countries. They are raised for meat, because bamboo rat meat is delicious and has high economic value. 1. HOARY BAMBOO RAT The largest bamboo rat species among the bamboo rat species raised in Vietnam. -Large size, adults reach weight 2-4kg. – Fur is silvery gray, belly is lighter. – Fast growth rate, each litter has 3-5 offspring. Advantages: – Easy to raise, adapts well to captivity. –..
Top 5 Favorite Ornamental Fish Species In Vietnam
Beautiful ornamental fish are not only attractive but also bring us relaxing moments. In the world and in the Vietnamese market, there are many irresistible beautiful ornamental fish. Ornamental fish often have outstanding colors that help your living space become lively and close. They are carefully cared for to maintain their natural colors and ensure the health of the fish. Discover the TOP 5 most popular and favorite ornamental fish in Vietnam. 1. BETTA FISH – THE COLORFUL GEM Betta fish have long, flat bodies and attractive fins that resemble long, wide-spreading dresses. The upper fins start from the middle..
Vitamin E Deficiency in Poultry
Vitamin E deficiency in chickens is a common disease. The disease is simply caused by a lack of nutrients in the chicken feed, but the consequences are serious. Vitamin E is one of the substances in the vitamin group and also follows the function of the vitamin group, participating in the body’s reactions as a catalyst, helping the body metabolize (in specific cases, if lacking, it can cause abnormalities in the body). Although vitamin E is not a substance that directly participates in the body’s metabolism, it has a very important role in this process, helping the body stay healthy...
Ort Disease – Pustulosis Pneumonia In Chickens
ORT (purulent pneumonia) is a major concern for chicken farmers, especially when cold weather makes chickens susceptible to respiratory diseases. ORT is a respiratory disease of poultry caused by the bacterium Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale. The disease mainly affects chickens and ducks, but can also infect other poultry species. It is one of the diseases that causes great economic losses in the livestock industry, reducing growth rate, negatively affecting fertility, product quality, and has a high mortality rate if not treated promptly. Currently, the weather in the North is getting colder, causing the resistance of chickens to decrease, creating favorable conditions for..