Author Archives: samnguyen

Top 5 weird and interesting things about geese

Geese are very familiar animals to farmers, especially those raised in the house, guarding the house. So how much do you really know about geese aggressive but loyal? The scientific name of geese is Anserinae. They are familiar animals and are raised for meat, eggs and feathers. In addition, they are also raised to guard the house. Discover more interesting things about geese. 1.Geese are vegetarian Geese do not like to eat shrimp and fish like chickens and ducks. They only like to eat vegetables, grass, potatoes, corn, cassava, fruits, etc. it’s no exaggeration to say they are vegetarian animals...

Formula Improvement Announcement

Dear Customers! First of all, VB Pharma would like to sincerely thank all Customers who have always trusted and supported us during the past time! With the goal of constantly improving and perfecting the product, VB Pharma would like to send the announcement about the product ENERGI 100 INJ: 1. Due to developing formula, ENERGI 100 INJ has been improved in quality with more outstanding advantages: the product has a sustainable color, no longer has the phenomenon of darkening over time. 2. New product batch with change in solution color: NEW product color: white as attached photo Image of new..

Vaccination for porkers

In livestock in general and pig farming in particular, vaccination is the first and extremely important step in disease prevention. Therefore, to minimize the risk of disease and ensure the health of the pig herd, farmers need to know detailed about the vaccination schedule of swine. Vaccinating pigs is an important part of protecting the health of pigs and greatly determines the efficiency of farming. It helps keep them healthy and limits or eliminates some dangerous infectious diseases in pigs. Therefore, the Vaccination Schedule needs to be strictly followed to ensure pigs are protected from infectious diseases throughout their lives..

Goat meat prices have increased slightly again, farmers are excited to restock their herds

After a period of time, the price of meat goats and breeding goats dropped sharply, causing farmers to operate moderately because they were worried about losses. Currently, goat meat prices have increased slightly again, so livestock farmers are excited and continue to restock their herds. The selling price of goats in Tien Giang is currently increasing again, raising households in the eastern coastal districts of Tien Giang province are starting to re-herd. Tien Giang province has a total herd of about 160 000 goats, concentrated in coastal districts and towns such as Go Cong Dong district, Go Cong Tay district,..

Top 5 broiler breeds with the highest economic value in Vietnam

Vietnam has many chicken breeds with delicious meat quality, high productivity, and are favored by farmers. Which are the top 5 most productive broiler breeds? Ensuring delicious meat, easy to raise, and high efficiency? The broiler industry in Vietnam is growing very strongly, contributing a large part to the development of the agricultural economy. Broiler breeds not only provide an important food source but also bring high economic value to farmers. Top 5 broiler breeds with the highest economic value in Vietnam are suitable and productive breeds. 1. RI CHICKEN Ri chicken is a long-standing indigenous chicken breed in Vietnam,..

VB Pharma promotes export market development in 2024

The veterinary medicine export market in Vietnam is growing strongly with great potential. Following that trend, VB Pharma continues to expand partners and markets with a large-value export order to Iraq – a new market – the first shot in 2024, opening a year full of prospects and opportunities. Image of equipment systems of factory Not only a commercial success but also an affirmation of the quality and reputation of  VB Pharma in the international market. Marking a great step forward for the company in expanding the market and developing the brand, affirming the trust of customers in VB Pharma..


Knowing ways to recognize a sick cat is a thing you should be interested, especially about their symptoms. Taking care of cats is like to care a child. The next reading, you has known some ways to recognize a sick cat. Next, we want to introduce the second method about how to recognize sick cats, which is observing their symptoms. 1. Recognize vomiting If your cat is vomiting, especially several times a day, and feels tired, this can be a clear sign. In case your cat does not drink water or vomits after drinking, they need to be taken to..

Avian influenza in chickens

Avian influenza in chickens is a dangerous disease with high mortality and infection rates and can be transmitted to humans. Avian influenza is one of the most dangerous diseases and seriously affects the livestock industry, with high morbidity, infection and mortality rates, possibly up to 100% and is one of the diseases that must be destroyed when detected. So how to know if your chickens have bird flu? I. CAUSES OF THE DISEASE Avian influenza is an infectious disease caused by type A influenza virus of the Orthomyxoviridae. Influenza A virus infects poultry, some mammals and can spread to humans...


Taking care of a cat is like taking care of a child. How do we take care of them to keep them healthy, cute and playful? How to recognize a sick cat for Sen? One of the joys of taking care of cats is that they have a laid-back nature. Cats are better than humans at relaxing and living the life we always dream of playing, eating and sleeping. However, this habit can cause problems when they are sick. Instinctively, cats often hide, or their daily routine (sleeping) occurs with high frequency. To determine whether your cat is truly sick..

Dual benefits from biogas in livestock farming

As a coastal locality with many large-scale livestock raising households in Tam Ky City (Quang Nam), Tam Thang commune is supporting households to build biogas tanks to solve the pollution environment in livestock farming. Mr. Nguyen Hong Ha’s family in Thach Tan village (Tam Thang commune) has raised pigs with a herd of nearly 20 pigs since 2018 until now. Although Mr. Ha’s family built a cellar to treat waste, it still could not completely eliminate the odor, affecting his family and neighbors. In early 2024, with local guidance and support, Mr. Ha built a biogas tank. Up to now,..