Author Archives: samnguyen

Pig prices are high but there is no source to sell

According to Mr. Ngo Cao Cuong, Director of BaF Agricultural Finance, live pig prices tend to increase to about 70,000 VND/kg until the end of the second quarter. Currently on the market there are no breeding pigs or weaned pigs to re-herd, so prices are difficult to reduce. BAF Agriculture Joint Stock Company (Code: BAF) has just had a session to share with investors about the production and business situation in the first quarter. The company representative also forecast that the price of live pigs on the market will continue to increase. Mr. Ngo Cao Cuong, Chief Financial Officer, said..

Animal feed prices decrease for the second time in 2024

C.P Vietnam Livestock Joint Stock Company and De Heus Company Limited announce the adjustment of animal feed prices, the application period begins from May 11, 2024. Accordingly, animal feed prices have been adjusted to decrease from 100 to 500 VND per kg. This can be considered the second price reduction in 2024 and up to now, animal feed prices have decreased from 400 to 800 VND per kg. According to C.P Vietnam Livestock Joint Stock Company, this time adjusting the selling price of animal feed is to accompany and share with farmers. Specifically, the application period starts from May 11,..

Live pig price May 13, 2024: Increased in the first session of the week

Live pig price May on 13, 2024 increased by 1 000 – 2 000 VND/kg. Currently, the pork market in three regions has traded around 62 000 – 65 000 VND/kg. Northern live pig price May 13 The Northern hog market moved slightly a few places compared to yesterday. Accordingly, the two provinces of Hung Yen and Phu Tho traded at 65 000 VND/kg, after increasing by 1 000 VND. The remaining localities still purchase at yesterday’s pig price. Province Price Increase/decrease Bắc Giang 65.000 – Yên Bái 64.000 – Lào Cai 64.000 – Hưng Yên 65.000 1.000 Nam Định..

Vaccine injection technique for fish

To increase the effectiveness of fish disease prevention, understanding the technical process of vaccination injection for fish is essential. Currently, catfish farming is developing very strongly and brings high economic value to farmers. However, if you do not know how to prevent fish diseases, the loss rate will be very large. Besides, almost all pangasius farming areas have had common diseases such as hemorrhage, white gills, white liver and especially liver and kidney diseases – causing huge losses to farming. There are farming areas where the rate of infected pangasius is almost 100%, the death rate is high, sometimes up..

Treatment regimen for E.coli in chickens

E.coli in chickens is a dangerous disease that causes great losses to farmers and depending on the severity of the disease, there will be different treatment regimens. Diarrhea caused by E. Coli is a common and dangerous disease in chickens if you do not know how to prevent and treat it. A better understanding of the disease, timely detection and correct diagnosis of the cause of the disease is essential. Image of a flock of chicken STEP 1: CORRECTLY DIAGNOSE THE CAUSE OF THE DISEASE Green stool, white stool, thin and foamy Inflammation of the pericardium, peritoneum, and liver Chickens..

Treatment of APV disease in chickens

APV disease in chicken is popular and often cause great losses to farmers if the infection rate is high . Recently, APV disease has become relatively common, and when chickens have this disease, it is often confused with swollen head disease caused by Coryza, and treated according to the method of treating Coryza disease but it does not cure. So what are the symptoms and causes of APV? I. CAUSES APV disease is caused by Avian pneumovirus, an RNA virus that causes respiratory disease in chickens of all ages. The disease is transmitted through the respiratory tract and often occurs..