The price of live pigs has been continuously increasing, making farmers excited. Currently, the price of live pigs ranges from 65,000 to 71,000 VND/kg.
Re-raising the herd since September 2024, after nearly 4 months of care, the herd of more than 20 pigs of Ms. Vo Thi Binh’s family in Ky Tho Bac village, Hanh Duc commune (Nghia Hanh) reached a weight of 70 – 80 kg/pig, and she sold them before Tet.
Ms. Binh was excited to know that since December, the price of live pigs in the market has been continuously increasing, making farmers very excited. She waited until near Tet when the pigs reached their highest weight to sell them to get the highest profit. After selling the pigs, after deducting expenses, she estimated that she would make a profit of 1.2 – 1.3 million VND/pig, enough money to cover expenses during Tet.
Pig farmers are excited because the price of live pigs is high.
“It has been a long time since pig farmers have made a high profit from pig farming after a long time of having to “suffer” due to high feed costs and losses caused by African swine fever. With the current pig price, it will create conditions for farmers to continue to boldly restore and increase their herds after Tet,” Ms. Binh shared.
Ms. Binh’s neighbor, Ms. Pham Thi Hoanh’s family, also sold a herd of more than 20 pigs before Tet, at the highest price ever. According to Ms. Hoanh, pig farmers are not too worried about prices when raising pigs during Tet, but are worried because diseases are always latent, due to erratic weather.
Because diseases are always latent, farmers focus on raising livestock in a bio-secure manner.
Therefore, before re-herding, she sprayed disinfectants and cleaned the entire barn as well as the equipment and tools to minimize the conditions for disease outbreaks.
During the breeding process, she strictly followed the biosafety breeding process. Apart from Ms. Hoanh, family members limited their access to the barn area. She disinfected the barn and surrounding environment regularly every week, fully vaccinated the pigs and regularly supplemented vitamins for the pigs. Thanks to that, her family’s pigs grew very well and sold for a high price.
According to the breeders, since December 15, the price of live pigs has fluctuated from 63 – 69 thousand VND/kg, an increase of 15 – 20% compared to the same period last year. By the morning of the 28th of Tet, the price of live pigs fluctuated from 65 – 71 thousand VND/kg. After deducting expenses, farmers can earn up to 1.5 million VND/head.
Because the price of live pigs has increased, the price of pork has also increased, but not dramatically during Tet. Surveyed at traditional markets on the 28th of Tet, pork belly was priced at 170-180 thousand VND/kg, an increase of 20-30 thousand VND compared to normal days. Meanwhile, shoulder and thigh meat remained stable. Shoulder meat was priced at 110 thousand VND/kg, thigh meat was 120 thousand VND/kg, etc.
According to traders, the high price of live pigs this Tet is due to the supply being affected by African swine fever. In addition, the economic situation is still difficult, so traders are very cautious, do not stockpile live pigs, only purchase based on market demand. In the days leading up to Tet, due to the high demand for all kinds of pork, the selling price has increased, but not dramatically.
Article and photos: Ai Kieu
Source: Quang Ngai Newspaper