Ducks & Geese are losing feather and how to remedy

Feather loss in ducks and geese is common in both home and farm environments. Factors contributing to the development of this disease often include stocking density, barn hygiene, and feed and water quality. In livestock farming, geese are poultry species that bring high economic efficiency. However, geese also require special care, because they can face many risks and often susceptible to disease. In particular, loss of feathers in geese is quite common, not only affecting the development but also causing great economic loss. When it comes to feather loss in geese, most farmers will feel scared and discouraged. Therefore, people..

Top 5 weird and interesting things about geese

Geese are very familiar animals to farmers, especially those raised in the house, guarding the house. So how much do you really know about geese aggressive but loyal? The scientific name of geese is Anserinae. They are familiar animals and are raised for meat, eggs and feathers. In addition, they are also raised to guard the house. Discover more interesting things about geese. 1.Geese are vegetarian Geese do not like to eat shrimp and fish like chickens and ducks. They only like to eat vegetables, grass, potatoes, corn, cassava, fruits, etc. it’s no exaggeration to say they are vegetarian animals...

Top 5 broiler breeds with the highest economic value in Vietnam

Vietnam has many chicken breeds with delicious meat quality, high productivity, and are favored by farmers. Which are the top 5 most productive broiler breeds? Ensuring delicious meat, easy to raise, and high efficiency? The broiler industry in Vietnam is growing very strongly, contributing a large part to the development of the agricultural economy. Broiler breeds not only provide an important food source but also bring high economic value to farmers. Top 5 broiler breeds with the highest economic value in Vietnam are suitable and productive breeds. 1. RI CHICKEN Ri chicken is a long-standing indigenous chicken breed in Vietnam,..

Avian influenza in chickens

Avian influenza in chickens is a dangerous disease with high mortality and infection rates and can be transmitted to humans. Avian influenza is one of the most dangerous diseases and seriously affects the livestock industry, with high morbidity, infection and mortality rates, possibly up to 100% and is one of the diseases that must be destroyed when detected. So how to know if your chickens have bird flu? I. CAUSES OF THE DISEASE Avian influenza is an infectious disease caused by type A influenza virus of the Orthomyxoviridae. Influenza A virus infects poultry, some mammals and can spread to humans...

“The Secret of Feathers: Top 4 Magical Chicken Breeds in Asia”

Chickens are a breed giving nutrition and high economy value. Each breed has special features, especially about the color of feathers. What is feathers’ secret of chickens? What are top 4 chicken breeds in Asia? Nowadays, raising ornamental chickens is a hobby of many people, helping to improve their mood. Each type of chicken has its own beauty, especially those that can change the color of their feathers. Let’s explore the top 4 chicken breeds in Asia that have the amazing ability to change feather colors with the seasons. 1. ONAGADORI CHICKEN (WITH LONG TAIL) Firstly, the Onagadori chicken from..


Blood parasitic disease in chickens is a dangerous disease that reduces the growth and reproduction of chickens. Although the level of infection is low, the death rate is high because chickens are immunocompromised. The chickens show signs such as: fatigue, sluggishness, loss of appetite or decreased appetite, pale combs with increasing frequency, fever, decreased laying, diarrhea with dark green stools, or even blood that does not clot or Hemophilia or not? If your chickens are showing one or more of the above signs, it is likely that they are infected with a disease that we often call blood parasitic disease..


E.coli in chickens is a dangerous disease that causes great losses to farmers and depending on the severity of the disease, there will be different treatment regimens. Diarrhea caused by E. Coli is a common and dangerous disease in chickens if you do not know how to prevent and treat it. A better understanding of the disease, timely detection and correct diagnosis of the cause of the disease is essential. Image of a flock of chicken STEP 1: CORRECTLY DIAGNOSE THE CAUSE OF THE DISEASE Green stool, white stool, thin and foamy Inflammation of the pericardium, peritoneum, and liver Chickens..


APV disease in chicken is popular and often cause great losses to farmers if the infection rate is high . Recently, APV disease has become relatively common, and when chickens have this disease, it is often confused with swollen head disease caused by Coryza, and treated according to the method of treating Coryza disease but it does not cure. So what are the symptoms and causes of APV? I. CAUSES APV disease is caused by Avian pneumovirus, an RNA virus that causes respiratory disease in chickens of all ages. The disease is transmitted through the respiratory tract and often occurs..


Ngỗng là loài vật vô cùng quen thuộc với người chăn nuôi, nhưng bạn có biết loài vật này lại mang nhiều điều nghe có vẻ lạ lẫm nhưng đều là sự thật. Vậy những điều đó là gì? Ngỗng là một loài chim có kích thước lớn tương tự như chim thiên nga. Chúng có tên khoa học là Anserinae. Không chỉ là thực phẩm khoái khẩu của nhân loại mà còn có những điều vô cùng thú vị về đặc tính của loài vật này mà nhiều bà con chăn nuôi chưa biết tới. Tìm hiểu về những..


Với chăn nuôi thỏ, việc chăm sóc thỏ trưởng thành là điều vô cùng dễ dàng và không đòi hỏi nhiều kỹ thuật phức tạp. Tuy nhiên, cách nuôi thỏ con lại hoàn toàn khác, đòi hỏi bạn cần phải trang bị một số kiến thức nhất định trong việc chăn nuôi. Dưới đây là một vài điểm quan trọng nhất trong số đó. Thỏ mẹ có thể nuôi được bao nhiêu con một lứa? Thông thường, thỏ mẹ có thể đẻ từ 3-10 con, ít hay nhiều tùy vào giống cũng như độ tuổi của thỏ. Thực tế, có những..