How to recognize a diseased cat – Part 1
Taking care of a cat is like taking care of a child. How do we take care of them to keep them healthy, cute and playful? How to recognize a sick cat for Sen? One of the joys of taking care of cats is that they have a laid-back nature. Cats are better than humans at relaxing and living the life we always dream of playing, eating and sleeping. However, this habit can cause problems when they are sick. Instinctively, cats often hide, or their daily routine (sleeping) occurs with high frequency. To determine whether your cat is truly sick..
Top best fighting chicken breeds today
Now, many people are interested in raising fighting chickens, which are special and fight well. What are top 5 the best fighting chicken breeds? And the reasons making them unique? To create exciting and attractive cockfights, it is indispensable that the cocks fight hard, fight well and have many tricks. What are Top 5 the best fighting chicken breeds today? Image of fighting chickens The first and best fighting chicken breed: the Kelso American Chicken Kelso is a famous chicken breed in the world. They are known as very intelligent warriors originating from America. Unlike many other fighting cocks, Kelso..
“The Secret of Feathers: Top 4 Magical Chicken Breeds in Asia”
Chickens are a breed giving nutrition and high economy value. Each breed has special features, especially about the color of feathers. What is feathers’ secret of chickens? What are top 4 chicken breeds in Asia? Nowadays, raising ornamental chickens is a hobby of many people, helping to improve their mood. Each type of chicken has its own beauty, especially those that can change the color of their feathers. Let’s explore the top 4 chicken breeds in Asia that have the amazing ability to change feather colors with the seasons. 1. ONAGADORI CHICKEN (WITH LONG TAIL) Firstly, the Onagadori chicken from..
Techniques for commercial eel farming without mud
Eel farming brings high economic value because of their nutritional value, especially mud-free commercial eel farming is the most popular with the advantages of stable quality, less space and time consuming. Eel is a type of seafood that is very popular in the market because it has high nutritional value, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. The most effective and popular form of eel farming today is raising it in mud-free tanks. Mud-free commercial eel farming is currently an effective model for farmers. Because this model is less time consuming, easy to apply techniques but gives high income. What..
Blood parasite disease in chickens
Blood parasitic disease in chickens is a dangerous disease that reduces the growth and reproduction of chickens. Although the level of infection is low, the death rate is high because chickens are immunocompromised. The chickens show signs such as: fatigue, sluggishness, loss of appetite or decreased appetite, pale combs with increasing frequency, fever, decreased laying, diarrhea with dark green stools, or even blood that does not clot or Hemophilia or not? If your chickens are showing one or more of the above signs, it is likely that they are infected with a disease that we often call blood parasitic disease..
Vaccine injection technique for fish
To increase the effectiveness of fish disease prevention, understanding the technical process of vaccination injection for fish is essential. Currently, catfish farming is developing very strongly and brings high economic value to farmers. However, if you do not know how to prevent fish diseases, the loss rate will be very large. Besides, almost all pangasius farming areas have had common diseases such as hemorrhage, white gills, white liver and especially liver and kidney diseases – causing huge losses to farming. There are farming areas where the rate of infected pangasius is almost 100%, the death rate is high, sometimes up..
Treatment regimen for E.coli in chickens
E.coli in chickens is a dangerous disease that causes great losses to farmers and depending on the severity of the disease, there will be different treatment regimens. Diarrhea caused by E. Coli is a common and dangerous disease in chickens if you do not know how to prevent and treat it. A better understanding of the disease, timely detection and correct diagnosis of the cause of the disease is essential. Image of a flock of chicken STEP 1: CORRECTLY DIAGNOSE THE CAUSE OF THE DISEASE Green stool, white stool, thin and foamy Inflammation of the pericardium, peritoneum, and liver Chickens..
Treatment of APV disease in chickens
APV disease in chicken is popular and often cause great losses to farmers if the infection rate is high . Recently, APV disease has become relatively common, and when chickens have this disease, it is often confused with swollen head disease caused by Coryza, and treated according to the method of treating Coryza disease but it does not cure. So what are the symptoms and causes of APV? I. CAUSES APV disease is caused by Avian pneumovirus, an RNA virus that causes respiratory disease in chickens of all ages. The disease is transmitted through the respiratory tract and often occurs..
Kỹ thuật nuôi chím trích cồ sinh sản
Chim trích cồ là loài chim đẹp, nói đẹp nhưng chỉ đẹp với họ hàng nhà chim nước của chúng, như so với cụm núm, kính cao, chàng nghịch, quốc gia, te te, v v. Còn lại đối với các loài chim cảnh xinh đẹp khác thì không bằng, Chim trích cồ có nơi còn gọi là trích xanh, công nước, công đất… Với màu lông xanh mướt và màu đỏ của phấn và mồ hôi, làm cho chim trích thêm xinh đẹp hơn so với họ hàng nhà họ . Chim trích cồ sống xung quanh mát theo những..
Công tác chăm sóc sức khỏe & tinh thần của nhân viên luôn được VB Pharma chú trọng trong các hoạt động về sức khỏe thường niên, và các hoạt động thể thao. Ngoài việc định kỳ khám sức khỏe hàng năm, VB Pharma cũng triển khai cho CBNV có cơ hội tham gia gói bảo hiểm chăm sóc sức khỏe toàn diện, và đặc biệt họ có thể đăng ký gói bảo hiểm tốt cho chính gia đình mình – đây là món quà, sự quan tâm của Ban Lãnh đạo dành cho toàn thể nhân viên !Song song đó là VB Pharma đẩy mạnh phong trào thể dục thể thao và rèn..