Tag Archives: chicken
Treatment regimen for E.coli in chickens
E.coli in chickens is a dangerous disease that causes great losses to farmers and depending on the severity of the disease, there will be different treatment regimens. Diarrhea caused by E. Coli is a common and dangerous disease in chickens if you do not know how to prevent and treat it. A better understanding of the disease, timely detection and correct diagnosis of the cause of the disease is essential. Image of a flock of chicken STEP 1: CORRECTLY DIAGNOSE THE CAUSE OF THE DISEASE Green stool, white stool, thin and foamy Inflammation of the pericardium, peritoneum, and liver Chickens..
Treatment of APV disease in chickens
APV disease in chicken is popular and often cause great losses to farmers if the infection rate is high . Recently, APV disease has become relatively common, and when chickens have this disease, it is often confused with swollen head disease caused by Coryza, and treated according to the method of treating Coryza disease but it does not cure. So what are the symptoms and causes of APV? I. CAUSES APV disease is caused by Avian pneumovirus, an RNA virus that causes respiratory disease in chickens of all ages. The disease is transmitted through the respiratory tract and often occurs..